viernes, 4 de enero de 2013


LOVE,That powerful four letter word that is perhaps one of the most misused and misunderstood words in the human language haunts,tantalizes,fills with hope,dashes to despair and dreates the greatest puruit in all of life.In the final analysis,love eludes the hearts and minds of many,leaving them feeling unloved and alone in life.At least,their concept of love has not been fulfilled which causes them to suffer feeling of discontent and an ache of unbearable emptiness.They fail to find satisfaction despite their mad pursuit of the thing they call love. Its seems a cruelly of fate that a quality of life so necessary to happiness as Love should so easily elude us.Ask any brokenhearted lover,or listen to the morning of the pop song artists and you will hear the paininflicted on the human psyche through broken promises of love.
Yet this emotional pain is not limited to failed adult romance.It stalks children ,the elderly, and everyone who experience circumstances that make them feel alone and unloved.
Where does one go to find the love that will satisfy the deepest yearning of the human heart?Are those desires even legitimate,Why do some people seem to have it all together and other feel neglected and lonely even though they enter into relationship of marrige, parenting,friendship.We cannot hope to find answer for the painful question of life without first discovering the source of LOVE.

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