lunes, 16 de septiembre de 2013

Part Eight

Let me suggest that the bad things that happen to us in our lives DO NOT have a meaning when they happen to us.
They do not happen for any good reason which we would accept them willingly.But we can give them a meaning.We can redeem these tragedies from senselessness by imposing meaning on them.The question we should be asking is not Why did this happen to me? Or what did i do to deserve this?
That is really an unanswerable,pointless question.A better question would be,NOW that this has happened to me, What am i going to do about it!

martes, 10 de septiembre de 2013

Part seven

God does not cause our misfortunes,Some are caused by bad luck,by bad people,and some are simply an inevitable consequence of our being human and being mortal,living in a world of inflexible natural laws.
The painful things that happen to us are not punishments for our misbehavior,nor are they in anyway part of some grand design on God's part.Because the tragedy is NOT Gods Will.We need not feel hurt or betrayed by God when tragedy strikes.
We can turn to him for help in over coming it., precisely because we can tell ourselves that God is as outraged by it as we are.

Part six

They discover that they have more strength,more courage than they ever knew themselves to have.Where did they get it ,I would like to think it came from prayers,Thier prayers helped them tap hidden reserves of faith and courage which were not available to them before.
I believe God does not send us the problem,He gives us the strength to cope with the problem.I believe God gives us strength and patience and Hope, revewing our spiritual resoures when they run dry.We need only turn to Him admit that we can't do this on our own.

miércoles, 14 de agosto de 2013


We can maintain our own self-respect and sense of goodness without having to feel that God has judged us and condemmed us. We can be angry at what has happen to us, Without feeling that we are angry at God.When tragedy is inflicted these events do not reflect Gods choices, They happen at ramdom,but evil nonetheless because by causing tragedies at ramdom, it prevents people from believing in Gods goodness.


1) Take a 10 minute walk everyday;  Smile
2) Sit in silence for at least 5 minutes
3) Sleep for 7 hours
4) Live with energy enthusiasm and empathy
5) Play more games, Surf
6) Read more books
7) Practice Meditation, Yoga and Pray
 Dream while you are awake
9) Eat foods that grow
10) Drink more water
11) Make 3 people smile
12) Don't waste precious energy on gossip
13) Forget past issues
14) Don't have negative thoughts, stay present, it's all about NOW
15) Life is a school; learn
16) Smile and laugh
17) Don't hate others
18) Don't take yourself or anyone else to seriously
19) Agree to disagree
20) Make peace with your past
21) Don't compare your past to others'
22) No one except you is in charge of your happness
23) Forgive everyone for everything
24) What others think of you is none of your business
25) However good or bad a situation is it will change
26) Envy is a waste of time; you have everything you need
27) The best is yet to come
28) No matter how you feel get up, dress up, and show up
29) Do the Right thing
30) Your inner most self is always happy so be happy
31) Call your family often
32) Each day give something good to others
33) Don't over do it; you know your limits
34) Know yourself
35) Dream Big; the only limitations are those you place upon yourself
36) Share all this with someone else; pass it on

martes, 30 de abril de 2013


My experience is more complex, if perhaps less unsavoury.Milieus taught me to be more polite to everyone,reveal nothing to anyone,outwardly respect the authorities,and give no hint of self-importance nor self-consciousness at the temporary loss of my surfing status,I regard my confinement,though not voluntarily assumed like an abrasive but bearable reminder of my imperfections.It was also reassuring to confirm that i could equably forgo all luxury and revert to a less sumptuous life.

miércoles, 20 de marzo de 2013

You make it what it is

As far as iam concerned,you are the maker of your own destiny,You can lead follow or get out of the way,As they say,But  one thing you should never do is feel sorry for yourself,And your predicament.Accept responibility where it is appropriate to do so and move on with your life.Whether in the street or in prison,You make it what it is,And whether your in for a year or 20 years there is always light at the end of the tunnel. There is truly a siliver lining behind that black cloud that is presently overwhelming you .Its all about your attitude.But rest assured,the experience will only exacerbate  my drive for the future.There is a subtext of humility,fallibility,loss and perseverance in this scenario that we can all learn a lesson.Life is to short ENJOY every minute,So many people take life and people for granted!!!!


martes, 26 de febrero de 2013

For such an advanced and brilliantly innovative country, it is an amazingly clumsy, unjust, and corrupt desecration of the nation's ideals and squandering of its human resources.
The country's incarceration policy has the benefit to the government of removing almost a million unemployed African American and at least half a million ethnically diverse correctional officers from unemployment statistics.
Treating white collar crime like violent crime appeases the left and slightly balances the racial numbers in the prison system. The percentage of African Americans in the prison system is more than 4 times that in the entire population and there are 4 times more African Americans in prison than in higher education.  More than 5 million African Americans have been disenfranchised because of their legal records and we are now getting back to the level of black disenfranchisement. The per-capita number of blacks to whites in prison is nine times greater, nearly half of American Black males between twenty and twenty-mine are under some form of criminal justice supervision.
In practice, where it is decided whether indicted offenders will be streamed through federal or state courts to prison.  The African Americans are almost invariably fed in overwhelming numbers to the harsher federal system.  no one audible seems to take it amiss.
It is indicative of official American arrogance at its most inflated and obtuse that instead of suppressing drug appetites among it dilettantish bourgeois youth and degraded underclass, or using its immense military strength to secure its borders without strangling legitimate commerce and tourism.
The drug war has been a perfect illustration of the strength of supply-side economics, as the price has come generally down through greater supply, improved product quality, and rising demand, despite the imprisonment of more than one million small fry which are easily replaced by the drug trade kingpins. The War on Drugs has cost $1 trillion, and within America, has almost nothing to do with violence.  Drugs are involved in 1/3 of property crimes but only 5% of violent crimes.
People growing 1000 marijuana plants get mandatory 10 years, alternative policy options will have to be considered.C.Black

viernes, 8 de febrero de 2013

the shu

The SHU here in coleman medium holds about 150people,coleman is the largest prison in the U.S at any given time,there is 7.500 to 8.500 inmates here,It is a city within a city,They have a camp for women,and NO I CAN NOT SEE THEM OR HAVE ANY CONTACT WITH THEM,They have a low for men,a medium where iam at and penitentiary 1 and a penitentiary 2,in each prison has a SHU.
As i said before Coleman is a nice place to do time,But they are very petty here,they can and will put you in the SHU for having banana's in your locker or for having any vegrtables,The warden,put an inmate in the SHU for having 3 banans that he had in his locker,Imagine going to solitary confinement for an undertermined amount of time for 3 banana's or for a1/4 of a head of lettuce,THATS CRAZY,They can also put you in the SHU for 6 months for investgation for whatever reason,If they even think your doing something wrong!!

jueves, 24 de enero de 2013


Excerpts from an Article in: The Week Magazine, in the "Last Word" section was the following article:
Solitary confinement in Iran nearly broke my spirit, says Shane Bauer; America's prisons are even worse!
By: Shane Bauer, Sarah Shourd and Josh Fattal
Once inside a SHU, work, drug treatment programs, or religious services are not permitted. SHU prisoners are not allowed phone calls (except in approved emergencies) or contact visits. Clocks, photo albums, food condiments containing sugar, playing cards, and chessboards are all banned. they are let out to the dog run, where they exercise for an hour a day, alone. They don't leave the cell to eat. If they ever leave the pod, they have to strip naked, pass their hands through a food slot to be handcuffed, then wait for the door to open and be bellycuffed...
The decision to put a man in solitary indefinitely is made at internal hearings that last, prisoners say, about 20 minutes. They are closed-door affairs. An inmate facing the worst punishment our penal system has to offer short of death can't even have a lawyer in the room. He can't gather or present evidence in his defense. He can't call witnesses. Much of the evidence--anything provided by informants--is confidential and thus impossible to refute....
How does someone get out of the SHU, then? Officially, there are two ways. One is to be declared an "inactive" gang member or associate, which doesn't happen  very often. The other way out is to debrief--to divulge everything an inmate knows about a gang, which a prisoner can do at any time. An average of 108 do it every year, even though among prisoners snitching can carry the death penalty.
More to follow......

lunes, 21 de enero de 2013


It is increasingly being acknowledge in prison based penal systems that prison is neither just nor effective as a deterent or a punishment, The high levels of suicide in prison in modern countries are a mute testimony to the fact that death itself is often seen as preferable to the psychological tortues which prison inflict,It would apper however that liberal sensibilities are more comfortable with a form of punishment which leaves no physical marks, and draws no unsightly blood, forgetting that to torture the soul by locking a man up in the company of criminals does far more lasting damage.Neither is incarceration just for there are certain types of man who thrive in prison,and others who suffer immeasureably.The former is likely to learn the crimmal arts while behind bars,while the latter will be permanently trumatised.As for a deterrent value while prison is widely regarded as unpleasant, for certain individuals to have a criminal record is seen as a mark of manhood.And while physical punishment is comprehensible beforehand, the miseries of prison life are known only to those who have exerienced them.These inadequacies in the penal system are one reason why secular countries are experiencing  a rapidly increasing incidence of crime!

Solitary confinement

Mass incarceration defines us as a society.The UNITED STATES has less than 5 percent of the worlds population but imprisons a quater of the worlds inmates.Most of those 2.4 million are black or spanish,One out of every four men are in prison on probation or parole or bound in some other way to the criminal justice system.
Within the institutional culture of the modern prison system, solitary confinement is not considered a radically damaging means of detentionh,Once reserved primarily for violent or disruptive inmates,it has become a magagerial tactic,without standard limits on duration.There are currently more than 80,000 inmates in long term solitary confinement in the U.S Far more than any country in the world.And even more in short term solitary confinement.Prison's do nothing to reform you,to be of any subsequent service to the community. POST  ROLLING STONE MAGAZINE
Security Housing Unit

lunes, 7 de enero de 2013

Many non-profit organizations regularly hire ex-offenders.Try some of these,
*Action Without Borders
*Foundation Center
*Independent Sector
*N C O                  
*Nonprofit Jobs     
Starting Your Own Business Try some of these sites.
* sba.html

Prisoners Relief Programs

Prisoners Relief Programs, Ex- OFFENDERS
          What to do?      Who do i talk to?        Where do i go?

Go immediately to the nearest Social Security Office and ask to speak to a counselor so that you can apply for Social Security Innsurance Emergency Supplement Benefits of $1.500.00  Explain that you are emotionally and mentally unprepared to hold a job. Shoe then your Parole or Mandatory Release Papers in order to prove that you are just out of prison. NOTE YOU SHOULD RECEIVE THE CHECK WITHIN 72 HOURS.
wHILE AT THE OFFICE FILL OUT THE NECESSARY FORMS FOR THE $310.00 monthly disability benefit for every month you were incarcerated.
Now go to the nearest Welfare department Office and apply for GENERAL RELIEF. Again show them your Parole of Mandatory Release Papers as proof that you are just out of prison.Tell them you need FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE IMMEDIATELY. A check should be issued to you within TWO [2] HOURS. It should be for approximately,$150.00. Do not forget to get your Food Stamps while you are there. You should receive about $190.00. worth.While you are there be sure to obtain your  MEDICAL CARD for HEALTH PROTECTION BENEFITS. NOTE  THIS CARD CAN BE USED AT ANY DOCTORS OR DENTISTS OFFICE.
                                      DO THIS WITHIN THE NEXT TEN DAYS!!!!!!!!!!!!!
go to the State Rehabilitation Center,where you can apply for various FEDERALLY FUNDED LOANS & GRANTS.
If you want to start a  small business make a list of the approximate cost of all the equipment you will need [tools work clothes etc] and estimate for hoe much operating cash you will need to start up the bussiness UNTILL it begins to make a living for you .They may loan up to $50,000.oo

1. Ninety days before release write a letter to the Social Security Office where you live.They will send you a five quesition application.Fill it out as accurately as possible,and then return it to the S.S Office nearest you.
2. When your application is processed you will get a check for three months totaling $930.00 for the 3 months.
3.You can also call the Food Stamp Office HOT LINE and get $80.00 worth of food stamps when you goto the Department of Social Service. Also you can apply for full Food Stamps Grant.
4.You qualified because you are on S.S.I The Welfare Deptment will automatically send you $220.00 per month for financial assistance and utilities. S.S.I is the same in each state.
a]Go to the Deptartment of Vocational Rehabilityation because you are on S.S.I
b]A convicted felon is a depressed minority. You also qualify for a certain benefit package. The amount of this benefit is $1.900.00 to be used for a down payment on a car./The car must be needed to go back and forth to work.
c]Also you receive a $ 300.00 check for clothing for the job.And another $400.00 Check for street clothes.And finally ,a $400.00 check for tools.These are GRANTS NOT LOANS,so they do not have to be paid back.
5]S.B.A has programs for ex-felons. You are qualified to receive a small Business loan of up to $ loan is only given in the case of business pursuits.Also the SBA WILL PROVIDE PROFESSIONAL ASSISTANCE TO HELP YOU PLAN EMPLOYMENT.You must be bonded for this loan.The Federal H.C.W. will bond for free, if no other organization will.Because you are an EX-convict,The loan must be repaid to the S.B.A


I felt a tightening in my chest,I knew i have already used up whatever karmic goodwill i had coming to me in these last couple of years,Staying in Montanita was simply tempting FATE.
However urgent a thing is,there comes a point where there are no more places to go.The urgency burns out,and you sit there like you have got all the time in the world,while the world rages on around you.
I should of walked away without sentimentality,from a situation that i knew was unmanagable.That was a basic rule for survival!!!!!!

viernes, 4 de enero de 2013


LOVE,That powerful four letter word that is perhaps one of the most misused and misunderstood words in the human language haunts,tantalizes,fills with hope,dashes to despair and dreates the greatest puruit in all of life.In the final analysis,love eludes the hearts and minds of many,leaving them feeling unloved and alone in life.At least,their concept of love has not been fulfilled which causes them to suffer feeling of discontent and an ache of unbearable emptiness.They fail to find satisfaction despite their mad pursuit of the thing they call love. Its seems a cruelly of fate that a quality of life so necessary to happiness as Love should so easily elude us.Ask any brokenhearted lover,or listen to the morning of the pop song artists and you will hear the paininflicted on the human psyche through broken promises of love.
Yet this emotional pain is not limited to failed adult romance.It stalks children ,the elderly, and everyone who experience circumstances that make them feel alone and unloved.
Where does one go to find the love that will satisfy the deepest yearning of the human heart?Are those desires even legitimate,Why do some people seem to have it all together and other feel neglected and lonely even though they enter into relationship of marrige, parenting,friendship.We cannot hope to find answer for the painful question of life without first discovering the source of LOVE.